This is a tutorial designed to take you through the process. This is provided "AS-IS" with no warranty. For additional information you will need to see the documentation for PayPal or Joomla template hot.

Add a PayPal Button to a Page on Joomla

First you will want to create the PayPal button. For simplicity I will take you through a generic PayPal Buy Now Button.

Login to

Click "Merchant Services"

Click "Buy Now"

Fill out the form as needed. Here is my sample form:

Now go to Step 2: Leave everything as is, or add what you need and go to Step 3:

In step 3 fill out the form as needed. I will leave it as default.

Click "Create Button":

On the next page you will see the generated code, click the "Email" tab:

If you do NOT see the Email tab as shown above you are using a dropdown menu or text box. The "Email" tab is not available with those options.

Next click "Select Code":

Then right click the highlighted code and click Copy:

Now we will go to Joomla:



Once Logged in go to "Content > Article Manager"


Now create a new article:


Now set up your Title, Alias, Published, Front Page, Section, and Category as needed:


Now go to our Image Page and select the image you want:

I will choose the Buy Now button with the logos:

Now go to the Joomla and click the "Insert/Edit Image Button":

In the "Image URL" box place the URL from the "Image Page" above:

Then click "Insert" as shown above.

Now in the window click the "image": There should be a bunch of boxes around it now like this:

Then click the "Link" as shown above.

In the Link URL box put the link from the "Email" tab above:

Then Click "Insert".

Now Save the article:

When you go to your website you should see this:

When you click the "Buy Now" button on your page you will go to the PayPal Payment Page to make the payment.

If you have any questions regarding this please let me know.

And as always watch my Main Blog for additional tips and examples.