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Tutorial: AKVIS Coloriage

Selective Colorization of B&W photos

In tutorials for AKVIS Coloriage you can find many examples of colorization of black and white photos. But it is also possible to add color to only one object of the image in order to place special emphasis on it. In some cases partial coloring can be particularly useful.

    \"Original \"Colorized

Follow the instructions to colorize a part of the photo:

  • Step 1. Open a black and white image. We choose the photo of the young sportsmen.

  • Step 2. Use the Pencil tool to assign colors to the key figure of the image. In our case we will colorize the boy who wins the race.

    We choose colors for his clothes, his hair, eyes, teeth, lips and the color of the finish ribbon.

  • Step 3. Use the Keep Color Pencil tool to draw a close outline around the key object (the winner and the ribbon).

    If it is not possible to draw a close outline, the \"keep color\" line should go beyond the photo frame, so that there are no gaps between the \"keep color\" outline and the image.

  • Step 4. Press the button to start the colorization process.

    In a few steps you have got a partially colorized photo.



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destination source:https://akvis.com/en/coloriage-tutorial/examples/partly-coloring.php