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Tutorial: AKVIS ArtWork

Mythical Horse

Magical horses appear in the fairy tales of many cultures - Tulpar, Pegasus, Sivka-Burka, Bayard, Akbuzat, Sleipnir, Gaitan, Rakhsh, Tetroni, Chalkuyruk, Dzindz, Aranzal, Târkshya, Babieca, etc. Horses of the gods, knights, and heroes are beautiful and endowed with special powers. Their images are represented in sculpture, paintings, frescos, and bas-relief. We can use AKVIS ArtWork to create our own fairy-tale and turn any horse into a legendary creature.

    \"Original \"Result\"

  • Step 1. Open an image in AKVIS ArtWork and choose Watercolor from the list of styles.

    Original Image
  • Step 2. The preview window shows how the image would be processed using the current settings. It should be noted that the final result will probably differ slightly from that in the preview window, however the preview window is still useful for keeping track of any changes made to parameters.

    Preview, Default Settings
  • Step 3. Press to start processing the image.

    Note: Once processing is complete, uneven shading can be corrected manually using the Post-Processing Tools (available only under the Home Deluxe and Business licenses): Smudge and Blur .

    The result is below:

    Watercolor (click to see the image in full size)


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destination source:https://akvis.com/en/artwork-tutorial/examples/horse.php