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Adobe Photoshop & Photoshop Elements Tips

Save Workspace in Adobe Photoshop

Personalize your Photoshop!

What to do if you have a unique personality but your so called personal computer is not personal in the full sense of the word and you have to share it with someone. It can be especially annoying if you are already accustomed to your settings of the workplace.

Adobe Photoshop gives you a way out. Having arranged the toolbar, windows, etc the way you like, you can save the settings.

Go to Window => Workspace and select the menu item Save Workspace.


Type in a name for the workspace. It should be personified so that you could easily recognize it in the fall-out menu. We called it \"AKVIS\".


Hint: Note that you can choose to save the hotkeys used only with this specific workspace (it can be useful in some cases).

But one usually does not change or create hotkeys. And one should be somewhat eccentric to have one\'s own menu settings (Look at the photo below. With the command Edit => Menus... you can change colors of the command strings and so on).


Press Save. Now if we want to call our customized workspace we can just go to Window => Workspace and select \"AKVIS\" from the menu.



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