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Tutorial: AKVIS MakeUp

How to Look Like a Cover Girl

\"Is it possible to look like a Glamour Cover Girl?\" - This is a question many women ponder. Perhaps not everyone knows that good looks are not enough. Usually a professional carefully retouches photographs of models: removes imperfections, makes skin tone more even, adds a glamorous glow to the face. The exact same effect can be achieved with AKVIS MakeUp. Become a star now!

    \"Original \"Result\"

  • Step 1. Open a photo.

    Original Image
  • Step 2. Choose AKVIS Portfolio from the presets list or change the settings to make the skin look smoother and brighter.

    AKVIS MakeUp Workspace

    Compare the original image with the result in the quick preview window:

    \"Fragment \"After
    Fragment of the Original Image AKVIS Portfolio Preset

  • Step 3. Press to begin processing the image and then save it. Look at the result - flawless skin!

    (Click on the image to see a larger version in a separate window)


MakeUp v. 6.5 - Free 10-day Trial    \'Download\'

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destination source:https://akvis.com/en/makeup-tutorial/examples/cover-girl.php