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Joombig animation thumbnail slider


The joombig animation thumbnail slider is a Joomla banner slideshow with thumbnail module.

With this module, we will create slideshow auto loading images. 

We’ll also add the possibility to navigate with action click next, previous to navigation slider , and using mouse hover to navigation slider. This module dispay thumbnail images for navigation slider

It's the best Joomla Image Slideshow module,banner module to make your website look elegant and nice

This is perfect module for corporate websites, blog websites, news websites, magazine websites, sport websites, travel websites...


    * List of features:

-Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x

-jQuery based image slider

-Browser Compatible : IE8+ , Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari

-Supports linking images.

-Support create multiple modules on one page.

-Easy to change size include wight,height of module

-Easy to change images loading auto

-Easy to effect images thumbnail 

-Easy to change images thumbnail loading

-Easy to change content images and title of images

-Use to display banner,slider with effect loading navigation 

-Easy Change desciption of slider show banner

-Use Dynamic title and description of slider show banner

-Use Images Rotation of slider show banner

-Use click mouse next, of slideshow banner rotation

-Use click mouse previous of slideshow banner rotation

-Use to show text in slider banner

-Use tobannerstyle, pager, navigation arrows, and much more.

-Auto loading images on 30 second

-Useful to create the slideshow for website. 

-Useful to create the banner for website.

-Useful to create feature content article for website.


3.1. Install

  • Install it through Joomla Extension Manager
  • Go to Extensions > extensions manager
  • Attach file download module and upload

3.2. Setting Require

3.3. Setting Width, Height Module


Web:    joombig.com
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.