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In this guide, we will go over how to install python 2.7 on your dedicated server. This guide requires you to be logged into the servers command line interface as the root user.

Installing Python 2.7

  1. Log into your server via the root user.
  2. Install all of the requirements via yum.
    yum -y install gcc gdbm-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel sqlite-devel db4-devel openssl-devel tk-devel bluez-libs-devel make
  3. Run the commands in the following order to prevent any errors.
    cd /usr/src
    wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.8/Python-2.7.8.tgz
    tar xvfz Python-2.7.8.tgz
    cd Python-2.7.8
    ./configure –with-threads –enable-shared
    make altinstall
  4. After the make altinstall command is complete run the next set of commands to finish the installation.
    touch /etc/ld.so.conf.d/usrlocallib.conf
    echo “/usr/local/lib/” >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/usrlocallib.conf
    cd /usr/src
    wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
    sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
    easy_install pip
    pip install virtualenv

last step

At this point Python 2.7 has been installed and you can run the python2.7 command on your server to enter a new environment.

destination source:https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/dedicated-hosting/how-to-install-python-on-your-dedicated-server/